Each year in February and March, SEAW presents the SEAW Refresher Course. The course is designed to assist practicing engineers in the review of principles of structural engineering for buildings and bridges.

Fifteen two-hour lectures are presented by experienced structural engineers from the Seattle area.   

The course instruction and PDF notes are designed to assist engineers preparing for the NCEES Structural Exam and for practicing engineers who want to review principles of structural engineering. Fifteen two-hour lectures will present information regarding Structural Analysis, Wind Design, Foundations & Earth Retaining Structures, Seismic Design I & II, Structural Design I & II, Concrete Design I & II, Pre-stressed/Post-tensioned Concrete Design, Bridge Design I & II, Wood Design, Masonry Design, and Cold-Formed Steel Design.

This year, SEAW will not be offering the live series of the Refresher Course due to the potential changes in the current SE testing process. If you are interested in purchasing recordings and notes from last year, please contact info@seaw.org.
